Carnaval Tropical in Paris

Carnaval Close-up
Last time I wrote to you, I was still in Guadeloupe. I’ve been back in Paris for awhile now, but as busy as a bee.

Today I could easily have forgotten just where I was as the Carnaval Tropical paraded literally outside my front door.


The event could be likened to the West Indian Day parade, though along with many island contenders (such as said Guadeloupe and Martinique), there were also a lot of other groups representing places as diverse as Bolivia, Vietnam and…Saint Malo?

Brittany's great but I don't usually think of it as tropical.

Brittany’s great but I don’t usually think of it as tropical.

I was delighted by whoever danced by. Fill the streets with music! Fill the rues with drums! I loved the colorful spectacle, especially against the overcast day (thank you, Paris sky for *mostly* keeping the rain away).

Guadeloupe blue, Carnaval

Bolivia, Carnaval Tropical 2014

Shiny white, Carnaval Tropical 2014

People-watching is probably one of my all-time favorite activities. Give me an event like this and I don’t know where to look. I’m as interested in the reactions of the crowd as the costumed participants.

Though I did keep most of my attention on those actually in the parade as you never knew who was going to turn up.

Darth Vader and Princess Leia

Darth Vader, Princess Leia, a random nun and perhaps the shark from Jaws.

Godzilla and Jane

Godzilla and Jane



Or what.

Weird Princess


A merman?


Paris is a very diverse city.

Paris is a very diverse city.

I didn’t know a soul involved in the event but all those strangers strutting around made me happy. Good job, city of Paris, for organizing.

Thanks, especially, for bringing the party straight to me.

Bon weekend!

Surprise, Carnaval

Irish? Carnaval

Black and white, Carnaval 2014

Orange and yellow, Carnaval 2014

Last shot, Carnaval

6 Responses to “Carnaval Tropical in Paris”

  1. 1 I Say Oui July 6, 2014 at 3:31 am

    Love the woman dressed as corn!


  2. 3 Hata Trbonja July 6, 2014 at 12:35 pm

    How awesome!
    I bet the music was spectacular.


  3. 5 writenaked July 7, 2014 at 9:19 pm

    Fantastic! I recognized the princess from Jacques Demy’s DONKEY SKIN right away. Saw the film at a museum a few years ago and a docent who introduced it gave some interesting trivia: Catherine Deneuve’s dress was made of a movie screen to reflect light/colors. Clip from the film when she’s wearing the dress:


  1. 1 Paris in 6 Links at 300 Stations, Monday, August 4, 2014 | 300 Stations Trackback on August 4, 2014 at 4:07 pm

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paris (im)perfect?

Sion Dayson is paris (im)perfect. Writer, dreamer, I moved to France on – no exaggerating – a romantic whim. As you can imagine, a lot can go wrong (and very right!) with such a (non)plan. These are the (im)perfect stories that result.

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