Happy New Year! Blogiversary! Love Your Life!

Which direction are you headed this year?

Which direction are you headed this year?

Hello friends,

Happy new year! Has 2014 started off well? Have you made resolutions? Broken any already? Or are you just playing life as it comes?

I’m celebrating, too, another special occasion. Four years ago today I started this blog and signed in as paris (im)perfect for the first time. Thank you for coming along for the ride!

Speaking of which, as someone always seeking Paris quirk, it seems only fitting that my blogiversay and the “No Pants Subway Ride” take place around the same time.

Though this blog has been quiet of late, rest assured things are a-brewing. Just not in a flashing bloomers kind of way.

The altar to Kerouac, including his classic Underwood typewriter.

The altar to Kerouac, including his classic Underwood typewriter.

I’m honored to have been selected as the winter writer-in-residence at the Kerouac House in Florida. I’ve been tucked away here since December and it’s from where I write to you now.

Jack Kerouac entered this house an unknown 35-year old and left 10 months later the bard of the Beat Generation. On the Road was published while he lived here and he wrote Dharma Bums in a frenzied 11 days.

The residency offers the chance to work in this historic home for three months. Time and space for a writer – no greater gift!

I’ve committed to vastly reducing my online time while I’m here, one of the reasons you haven’t seen me around these interwebs as much. So, I’m not sure exactly what the blog will look like this new year, but I hope you’ll stay with me through the changes. (If you haven’t already, sign up on the right to receive emails, since I know my posts have become sporadic. I still want to stay in touch with you!)

The Kerouac House and the great "Uncle Oak" out front.

The Kerouac House and the great “Uncle Oak” out front.

I’ll return to Paris with more stories and look forward to sharing them with you then. In the meantime, champagne! Balloons! Blog birthday! Bonne année!

My only resolution this year is to follow one of Kerouac’s 30 tips for modern prose which apply just as readily to la vie. “Be in love with yr life,” he wrote. As good a maxim as any as everything else flows from there.

And you? What are your 2014 hopes and dreams?

15 Responses to “Happy New Year! Blogiversary! Love Your Life!”

  1. 1 buffyschilling January 14, 2014 at 5:55 am

    Hello, enjoy your stay in Florida. I just sent my son down there to go to school. Hope all is well. My resolution is not to procrastinate. I am writing articles for a Firefighter blog, and studying for my Captains test. These are two thing where procrastinating doesn’t help. I would also like to eat a little better.

    Good luck with your dreams.


    • 2 paris (im)perfect January 14, 2014 at 6:11 am

      Hey Buffy. Happy New Year! That sounds like a great resolution – and that you’re keeping to it (the hardest part!) Paris is beautiful in any season but I do have to say it’s nice being in sunny Florida right now. Winter is definitely the right time to be here!

      Best of luck to you this year!


  2. 3 shannon V January 14, 2014 at 10:25 am

    Hey Sion! Congrats on this great opportunity, I know you’ll make the most of it and leave the house with a slew of fantastic souvenirs & a work of art on your laptop 🙂 I love your 2014 resolution, I think I’ll adopt it too! See you when you’re back to the hood I hope! Bises & best wishes for 2014 — may it be full of lovely words, happy memories and more success!


  3. 5 Patrick Ross January 14, 2014 at 2:49 pm

    Congrats on hitting the four-year mark! It’s a rare blog indeed that lasts that long while remaining fresh and relevant; kudos to your hard work and dedication.

    Hope you’re enjoying Florida. My wife and I spent Christmas week in Key West; it was magical!


    • 6 paris (im)perfect January 15, 2014 at 2:17 am

      Thanks, Patrick! As far as fresh, relevant, long-lasting blogs, I think yours is spectacular. I can’t wait to see where your artistic journey takes you next.

      Oh, Key West! I wish I had time to make it down there. It does sound amazing.


  4. 7 writenaked January 14, 2014 at 4:10 pm

    Congrats! Salinger keeps popping up in my life. I read about his Florida house last year and had recommended the residency to a friend. (Go you for getting it!!) Then I randomly came across the documentary of his life….and then last month three of his stories were leaked. I am kicking myself for not taking screenshots because one was fantastic–but they were pulled offline shortly thereafter. Hope you get a chance to read them some day. Enjoy the time to write, write, write! 🙂


    • 8 paris (im)perfect January 15, 2014 at 2:22 am

      Hey Tara. Thank you! But I’m confused. Is there a Salinger House, too? 🙂 But yes, I did hear about those leaked stories and the Salinger revival.

      I’m at the Kerouac House, which I highly recommend. Everyone involved in the project is fantastic and the residency is such a gift. I was really surprised I was selected – and so, so happy! I encourage any writer to apply!

      Have a productive writing year and enjoy 2014!


  5. 11 Tina January 14, 2014 at 11:50 pm

    Congrats, Sion! Looking forward to hearing more!


  6. 13 hope February 21, 2014 at 2:02 am

    I have those thirty points of Kerouac’s printed out in my purse in LA as I write this, thanks to Brain Pickings. ❤ STAY COOL, SION! You're an inspiration.


  1. 1 Love Beams and a Reading | paris (im)perfect Trackback on February 15, 2014 at 2:22 am

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paris (im)perfect?

Sion Dayson is paris (im)perfect. Writer, dreamer, I moved to France on – no exaggerating – a romantic whim. As you can imagine, a lot can go wrong (and very right!) with such a (non)plan. These are the (im)perfect stories that result.

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